Wednesday, December 21, 2011

That Weekly Update...10 Weeks Later

Yeah, you know how I said I'd post weekly updates as to the preggo process?

10 weeks later...

Sorry about that! At any rate, I'm now 23 weeks (as of today) and things are going well (as far as I know). We had our anatomy scan at 21 weeks and we're having a normally-anatomied girl child. Woot!

I'm sure the last thing anyone wants to read is a pregnant chick complaining about her symptoms, but, dude what's with this lack of sleep? I'm waking up every hour to:
  1. Switch sides because my hips hurt (I'm sure they're like "OW extra weight, WTF?")
  2. Punch M (lovingly) in the side for snoring louder than my volume 35-level white noise can drown out.
  3. Pee (I figured that one was obvious)
I suppose it's good practice for when the baby comes, but banking some sleep now would really be nice.

Seriously, though, aside from that small issue, I'm feeling quite great and am super happy and amazed at how well everything is going so far. Every poke and kick makes me squee!

I had to write that last paragraph so I could come back and laugh at it in 10 more weeks!

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