Monday, October 17, 2011

Long time, no post...

...but I have a really good reason!

Things I Knew During My Last Post
1) I needed to rededicate myself to eating paleo.
2) I hopped off the wagon and was feeling uber-crappy.

Things I Didn't Know During My Last Post
1) I was totally preggers.

Yeah, me, pregnant. Not something I really ever thought would happen, and certainly not something that would happen NOW. We definitely weren't trying, and it came as a huge shock to both of us. The ZOMG-whattheeff-whatarewegonnado-wehavenomoneyforthis kind of shock. After the initial WTF passed, though, we began to get excited. And feel thankful. Like, really thankful. Due to my weird PCOS-related hormonal issues, I really had it in my head that this would never happen. Now we're blessed for every week that passes with no complications. Perhaps eating strictly primal for the past 6ish months helped with fertility? I'm thinking so!

So, the rundown: I'm 13.75 weeks at this point. The baby is the size of a lemon (I think fruit is a really poor basis for comparison, but that's for another post) and I've finally begun to not feel like yakking every minute of every day. I hate horrifically for practically the entire first trimester and am just now feeling cravings for actual GOOD, healthy food. Raw meat, however, in all forms, is still gross to me. This is bad because Huffy doesn't cook, so I have to get over it. Fish, in raw or cooked form is a big, big negative. Total ick. Most vegetables, too, in particular green ones, are also ick. I'm hoping to just wake up one morning and want all of those things.

Perhaps tomorrow will be the day!

At any rate, I'm going to try to update here at least once a week with a preggo update, in addition to posting any awesome deals for paleo foods I find. Now we're on a SUPER budget here, LOL.

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