Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Thai Kitchen Coupon $1/2

If you've made coconut milk a part of your primal lifestyle, you'll love this coupon from Thai Kitchen:

Their coconut milk is currently priced at $2.59 at my Publix, so this will bring the price down to $2.09 a can. I don't know about you guys, but I think they make the best coconut milk*, even if it is a little pricier than other brands. This coupon definitely helps!

* Yeah, I'm sure that it has some sort of preservative in it and that Whole Foods/Trader Joe's has something better, but remember two things: 1) I'm on a budget here and 2) We don't have any stores like that around here. The closest one is almost an hour away. That's a once-every-other-month kinda trip.

The always-insightful intro post...

As the saying goes, long-time listener, first time caller. I've had my toe into the primal/paleo lifestyle for about a year now, but have kept my interests only in lurking. Why?
  • I frequently found myself taking a one-step-forward, two-steps-backward approach in terms of cutting out grains, legumes and sugar.
  • I feel totally unworthy compared to all the amazing paleo/primal people out there.
What I've come to realize, however, is that blogging and tweeting on my primal journey will only help keep my progress going. I'm waaayy too easily influenced by those around me and, since those around me are often making decidedly non-primal choices, I need a new set of people to hold myself accountable to.

Now, I'm sure that group of people will start small, but I hope over time I can build a little group of normal chicks (and dudes) who can support each other on this primal journey. A little more about me:
  • I'm 26, married and have two awesome dogs.
  • I have PCOS, but am trying to treat it naturally through diet and supplements.
  • I have dropped about 15 pounds this year, but still have 25ish to lose.
  • My husband and I are on a budget and are trying to pay off about $30k of car loan debt.

Because of the above, I'll be tackling the primal lifestyle with a bit of a frugal/couponer slant. I do my best to stick to a $60/wk grocery budget for the two of us, while still being able to buy a little bit of extra for stocking up (I like to have at least a three-month supply of food on hand at all times).

I know this is like blasphemy, but I'm also not doing any formal exercise/strength training at the moment. I know, Mark's awesome PBF is only 2 days a week, but I found I do best when focusing on one health-related thing ata time. And I get far more out of eating properly than exercising. Once I get closer to my goal, then I'll think about adding in the exercise. I'm not lazy, just focused...yeah....that's it.

Anyways, I'm interested to see where I can take this, but if you're a self-professed "normal" chick or dude who's trying the primal/paleo thing, give me a shout! We could all use a bit of support.